Vegetarian fermentation knows no bounds. You can ferment anything. Vegetables, fruit, leaves, flowers, stems, roots, weeds. Try, try, try ... and wait.
Waiting is the be-all and end-all. Waiting is another era. In these fast-moving times, waiting is an imposition. Doing nothing and relying on nature to sort it out. Of course, you make sure that the conditions are right, and that is no small amount of work. But the cook take a back seat. It is not the cook's work, but that of nature. Nature is the cook.
The three main ingredients of Korean cuisine are fermented: Dön Dsang, Kan Dsang, Kochu Dsang, i.e. fermented bean paste, soy sauce and fermented chilli paste. This is the basis. They are more than just condiments, they stand on their own. They are then used to make soups, vegetables, salads, drinks and desserts. This base is then fermented further. Everything. Endless possibilities, a limitless universe.
The flavour is not necessarily sour like pickles. We are now familiar with the umami-rich, slightly sweet flavour of Japanese miso. The principle of spontaneous fermentation makes the flavour even more multi-layered and complex. And fermented plants produce their own unique flavours. You get a little awe of the resulting dimension.
And there is kimchi. Of course. We have dedicated an extra chapter to kimchi in our book. The Korean chef Woojoong Kwon, who has been awarded two Michelin stars, says that he can hardly find proper kimchi any more. Hardly anyone knows how to make good kimchi any more. Well, we have described why this is the case in the book. Kimchi takes a very special approach and is not just a product.
Sandor Katz has written the worldwide standard work on fermentation. Katz has researched fermentation recipes all over the world and compiled information on how the technique of fermentation is rooted in all countries and cultures. In his book "Fermentation as Metaphor", he comes to the provocative conclusion that today we have surrendered our maturity as citizens at the supermarket shelf. And that we can reclaim it by learning to understand and regain the interconnections of life through the practice of fermentation.
Then there is the matter of healthiness. Surprisingly, research into fermentation, and vegetarian fermentation in particular, is still in its infancy. We now know that the lactic acid bacteria in plant-based fermentations are much more vital and that, unlike the lactic acid bacteria in yoghurt, they reach the intestines. And we know that the intestinal microbiome is very much dependent on these bacteria. The latest studies suggest that our entire well-being depends on healthy, active intestinal activity and that our immune system is strengthened. Allergies, which have increased dramatically in recent decades, could be linked to dysfunctional intestinal activity, among other things. The research results will presumably also ultimately provide scientific proof that the Korean population has been doing it right for thousands of years with its traditional food culture.